unpaid tax and super - ATO approach
The ATO is changing its approach to collecting unpaid tax and super, focusing on businesses who refuse to engage and continue to ignore its
SMS and letter reminders:
- For businesses who do not engage with the ATO or set up a payment plan for unpaid GST, PAYG withholding or employee super, the ATO will move more quickly to firmer actions such as Director Penalty Notices (DPNs) and garnishees
- Directors of multiple companies who allow amounts of GST, PAYG withholding and employee super to go unpaid, and do not engage with the ATO, can expect the ATO to look at their debts more holistically. They can expect to receive DPNs capturing the total value of these amounts across all related entities. If they do not take action, the ATO can recover these amounts directly from them, putting their assets at risk.
Find out more about what happens if they don’t pay
Article posted 30/10/2024